Moving House Change of Address Checklist: Who to Notify?

You might feel as though there are a million things to think about when you move home and we have to agree, there is a lot to think about. However, there is a lot more to moving home than you might realise. When you stop and think about all the people, organisations, businesses and other companies that hold your address, you soon realise that your address reaches far and wide.

Moving leaves you with a lot of planning but once you have moved you need to make sure that people know where you are living. Whether you have credit cards or loans, those companies will need to know while you are going to need to inform insurance companies that your information has changed. This will ensure that they can update their accounts and information that enables them to make contact with you. So, once you begin thinking about all those who hold your address, you might feel as though the list is endless but a change of address guide can help you to create a moving house checklist. This will ensure that you inform as many people as possible that your address has changed. Therefore, we have put together a checklist for changing address to ensure you cover as many people and businesses as possible.

Who To Notify When Moving House

Moving house is a long-winded process but there is more to it than contacting removals company and packing because you need to notify all those who hold your address so they can update your information. From home insurance to savings accounts and mortgages, it is vital that you let everyone know that you have moved and have a new address.

Personal checklist

It is important that family and friends know where you are now living and they are the easiest ones to inform that you are moving. However, it is important that your employer and even schools, colleges and universities are aware of your change of address.

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Employer
  • Educational institutions

Financial checklist

When it comes to money it is vital that all organisations and businesses are aware of your move. From loans to mortgages and savings to credit cards, you have to inform them, especially those you owe money to as you could find yourself facing problems if you do not inform them of your change of address.

  • Bank
  • Credit card companies
  • Store cards
  • Pension services
  • Loan companies
  • Investment funds

Utility checklist

Yet again, you need to make sure that all utility companies are aware that you have moved. This will ensure that your account is no longer attached to your old address and that your accounts are now linked to your new address. It might take time to work through them all but it is crucial that you make it your business to inform all of your utility companies.

  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Landline
  • TV Licence
  • Broadband
  • Cable
  • Internet

Insurance checklist

Insurance companies have to be informed of a change of address and this is because you have to make sure that you still remain covered. Should something happen after you move and you have not informed them of a change of address, it could mean that you lose all of your rights and that your insurance becomes void, leaving you uncovered and out of pocket. Home insurance, life insurance and car insurance are one of the main insurances to inform although they are all important in their own way.

  • Life insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Home/Contents insurance
  • Car insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Pet insurance
  • Mobile phone insurance

Healthcare checklist

Ensuring you have access to care for yourself and your pets is vital, so you should ensure that you follow the checklist below. This will give you confidence that you have the healthcare readily available after changing address.

  • GP/Doctor
  • Dentist
  • Vets

Household services checklist

You might rely on a range of household services that you need after you have moved house. Whether it’s a gardener or a solicitor, they all need to be informed of your move so they can make contact with you.

  • Cleaner
  • Gardener
  • Solicitor
  • Accountant
  • Newspaper
  • Builders/Maintenance

Leisure and family activities checklist

Most of us have subscriptions and memberships of some sort, whether that is music subscriptions, TV subscriptions or Gym memberships. They all require payments and they all will require new details after changing address.

  • Health Club/Gym
  • Subscription services

Local authorities checklist

All of these are hugely important as this is vital information that relates to who you are, where you live and in many instances are legally required. Therefore, you should ensure that you let them all know about your move as soon as possible.

  • Department of work and pensions
  • HMRC
  • DVLA
  • Electoral roll
  • Council Tax
  • Royal Mail
  • Local Authority

How Do I Change My Home Address in the UK?

The reality is that there is no efficient or simple way to change your address. Unfortunately, the majority of businesses, organisations and people you have to inform will need to be informed separately but it might be worth considering following a specific order to ensure that the most important ones are informed first.

When to Change Address?

You should think about changing your address as soon as you move. Doing it before you move might cause problems, especially if something causes your move to stall or fall through. Therefore, once you move into your new home, begin working through the list above, choosing those that you consider most important. One thing to consider is letting Royal Mail know that you have moved as you can have all mail that is sent to your old address redirected to your new address, which can help to ease the burden of moving.

Final Thoughts

It might be a time-consuming process but you have to work through the checklist to make sure that everyone is aware that you have moved. Whether friends, businesses or government organisations need to get hold of you, they will all need your new address, so ensure you cover all of those that currently hold your address.


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