Moving House With A Dog

When you are planning to move into a new house with your dog, there are some tips that you need to follow to make the process as easy as possible for your pet. When planning to move to another country, it is advisable to check the laws of the new country and consult with pet moving companies. It is easier if you are relocating within the UK, but you need to register with a new vet and change the details on your dog’s microchip and identification. During moving days, dogs can get stressed, and therefore, it is advisable to find someone to take care of your dog during the day. If not, they should be protected and stored in a place that is not accessible to the removal company. When you move, make sure to pet-proof your new home and try to make it familiar for your pet by placing their bed, crate, and toys in a secure environment.

Before Moving

Check the local laws

Before you move, find out the laws on keeping pets in the country you are moving to. This way, everyone is aware of the rules and there will be no legal problems that may occur.

Find a new vet

Find a new veterinarian near your new home and make sure to enrol with him or her. This will help your dog get medical attention as soon as possible in case of stress related illnesses or any other form of sickness that may be as a result of the change in environment.

Get your dog microchipped

Before you move house, make sure that you update the microchip of your dog with your new address. This is especially important if your dog gets lost during the moving process. It is recommended that you update all the contact information to enable you to easily locate your pet in case they get lost.

Ensure that your dog has identification

It is recommended that your dog should wear a collar with an ID tag bearing your contact information. This is a direct means through which someone can get in touch with you in case they come across your lost dog; it is also mandatory in Britain.

Crate train your dog

If your dog is not crate-trained, it is advisable to begin the training before the moving day. A crate offers a sense of security during transport and changes in the environment and can also decrease stress.

Pack for your dog

It is advisable to have a separate bag for your dog’s needs such as food, water, feeding and watering bowls, toys, beds, and any medication that your dog may require. These items should be easily within your reach and your dog’s so that both of you can be less stressed during the moving process and be able to easily put them in your new home.

Choose a moving company that will meet your needs in the best way possible

Select a removal company that has experience in moving pets. A good company like K1 Removals will be able to take care of your property, and you can then attend to your dog’s needs. Make sure that the movers know about your pet and its needs and how it is best to minimise stress for the animal.

Moving Day

Don’t clean

It is also important not to wash the bedding that your dog is to be moved with as this will help in reducing anxiety that your dog may be experiencing. Before moving to the new house, clean it to eliminate the smells that your dog may not be familiar with to avoid upsetting him.

Make sure that they are safe in the car

Make sure that your dog is properly restrained in the car with a harness or in a crate. This avoids accidents and helps your dog to remain calm. It is always dangerous to let your dog roam around without being harnessed, especially when in a car. Ensure that your dog gets some time off to stretch, relieve himself or herself, and drink water at certain intervals.

Feed them lightly

It is advisable to feed your dog lightly in order to avoid making him sick while on the road. Before the journey, it is recommended to eat a little less than the normal amount a few hours before the journey. This minimises the chances of your dog feeling sick and also ensures that your dog is comfortable during the trip. Bring water and give it in small quantities during the intervals.

Bring familiar items

It is recommended to take with you the things that your dog is familiar with, for example, his bed, toys, and blankets. These items have familiar smells to help your dog feel at ease in the new environment that he or she is in. These are some of the items that you should first unpack and set up in the new home to make your dog feel comfortable when you bring him or her in.

After Moving

A couple relaxing with their dog after moving house

Pet-proof your new place

Before you let your dog run around your new house, make sure that it is dog-proofed. Look for potential dangers like electrical cords, small objects that children may put in their mouth, and poisonous plants. Ensure that the fences and gates in the garden are well locked to avoid the escape of the animals. Make sure that all the windows and doors are closed properly to avoid your dog escaping.

It is recommended that you keep your dog on a lead.

It is advisable to have your dog on a leash when you are taking him around the new house and the compound. This helps to ensure that they do not stray or get into accidents. It helps you to lead them through the new environment and observe their response, thus making them comfortable.

Create a familiar space

Create a space with the dog’s belongings, including beds, toys, and blankets, with which the dog is familiar. This space should be silent and not crowded with people walking by. Familiar smells and objects make your dog comfortable and give him a place to escape when he is stressed.

Maintain your dog’s routine

It is advisable to maintain the normal feeding, walking, and playing schedule of your dog as much as possible. Consistency is important as it minimises stress and provides your dog with a certain level of predictability in his environment. It is advisable not to feed your dog with new food or alter the feeding time of your dog when you have relocated him to a new environment.

Do not change their sleeping area

If possible, try to rearrange the environment of your dog’s sleeping area to make it as close as possible to the previous one. Put their bed in a place that will resemble the previous sleeping area as much as possible. This is where having a crate is very useful because it will be very familiar. This makes them comfortable and reduces the stress of having to adapt to a new home.

Return to the fundamentals of toilet training and separation

It is advisable to go back to the basics of toilet training as your dog may forget what he has been trained in a new environment. Be calm, patient and consistent, and only praise the child when he or she behaves well. It is advisable to introduce your dog to solitude in the new home slowly so that they do not develop anxiety disorders. First, set the time to a small amount of time and then gradually increase it.

Let Your Dog Get Used to the New Environment and New Surroundings.

It is advisable to give your dog some time to get used to the new environment of the new home. Every dog is different and learns at his or her own rate, so one should not get frustrated. Observe their behaviour and offer support and encouragement when necessary. Over time, your dog will get used to the new environment and become comfortable in the new surroundings.

How long does it take for a dog to become comfortable in a new home?

Every dog is unique in its way, just like every human being. It will depend on the temperament of the person and his or her previous exposure to such situations. In most cases, dogs may begin to settle down within a few weeks, but the process of acclimatisation may take several months. During this period, ensure that you monitor your dog for signs of stress or discomfort, such as changes in feeding habits or increased anxiety. Sticking to a schedule and ensuring that the child is in a familiar environment will help in the process of acclimatisation. It is important to be patient as each dog is different and learns at his or her own rate. Your dog will be able to sense your mood, and therefore, if you are happy in your environment, then your dog will also be happy.

Final Thoughts

Moving homes with a dog is a process that needs to be well planned for to avoid any stress to the dog. There are several things that you can do to prepare for the move with your dog; these include crate training your dog, searching for a new vet, updating the microchip details and packing familiar items. On a moving day, it is recommended to leave your dog with a friend or a professional or to secure your dog and prevent him or her from being in the way of the movers. After moving, ensure that the child continues with the routine, make the new environment familiar, and be patient with the child when training him or her to use the toilet and when separating him or her from the parents. It is therefore advisable to hire a reputable removals company such as K1 Removals to ensure that you do not have to stress yourself and your dog. To arrange your move with the friendly and professional staff at K1 Removals, please contact us on 0330 103 0041.


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