Who to Inform When Moving House?

Relocation is not only the process of packing and transferring your property to the new house. There is one of the most important activities that should be done – informing different people and organisations about the new address. It is advisable to do so in order to avoid missing bills, missing mails and other related issues. This article explains the people you need to notify when moving house and why it is important.

Who Should I Tell That I Am Moving House?

Family and Friends

It is crucial to notify the family and friends about the move. They have to know your new address so that they can contact you and send letters to the new address. Also, informing them of your current contact details is useful in keeping up with your friends and also in receiving important information that may be of concern to you. It is easier to receive visits and hold meetings and other events at your new home when you share your new address. It is advisable to make a general notification through an email, social media platform, or even a physical notice to inform everyone. This way, people will know where you are relocating to and how they can reach you in the event that they need to.

Local Authorities

Inform the local authorities of your change of address. This entails ensuring that you get on the electoral roll of your local area so that you can vote in the next elections. Also, it is crucial to inform the regional council of services such as council tax. It is crucial to update your address to receive important notifications and to pay taxes without any problems. This also entails changing information on local services like waste disposal, library membership, and resident parking permits. Notification on time can assist in avoiding service interruptions and will assist you in meeting all the legal requirements of the new area, which will make your transition into the new community easier.

Car-related organisations

Some of the car-related bodies, like the DVLA, must be informed of your new address. Ensure that you change your driving licence and vehicle registration to your new address. This will allow you to get any letters regarding the vehicle and not get penalties. It is also important to notify your car insurance company to update your policy information. It is important to maintain correct records with these organisations for legal and safety purposes. It also helps you get notified of critical information like the recall of your vehicle or even the expiry of your licence. Regular updates avoid such problems and ensure that you are always covered and in the correct way regarding all the driving laws.


Some of the services that you use in your household such as internet, telephone, and TV companies should be informed of your move. Inform these providers to transfer your services to your new address or open new accounts if you have not been using their services before. This way, they do not have to interrupt their business and the move can be done without any hassle.


It is advisable to inform your employer of your new address to avoid any communication mishap due to a change of address. This is especially so when it comes to receiving pay stubs, tax statements, and other employment-related communications. If you are a work-from-home employee, it may be important to change your address for tax purposes or for your company’s records.

Financial Institutions

Banks, credit card companies, and other financial institutions must be informed of your new address. Please update your information to guarantee that you will receive important statements and notifications. This is important in order to keep your financial records and to prevent any service interruptions.

Education Institutions

If you have children, then you should notify their schools about the change of your address. This way, their records are updated, and important information may be sent to you. If you are a student, it is advisable to update your college or university address to enable you to receive the required documents and information.


Inform the gas, electricity and water providers of your change of address as well as other utility companies that you may be using. Ensure that you get the final metre readings at your previous home and ensure that you get new accounts at your new home. This helps in proper billing and maintaining the continuity of the service being provided to the client.

Postal Services

Register for Royal Mail’s mail forwarding service to make sure that you get any mail that is sent to your previous address. This service can be arranged for a certain duration of time, which will afford you the opportunity to change your address with other companies. It is a precaution that is needed in order not to overlook crucial messages.

Medical/Healthcare Providers

Ensure that you update your GP, dentist, and other healthcare providers on your new address. This helps to update your medical records, get appointment reminders and other important information. If you are planning to leave the area, you may have to change your GP or healthcare provider and get yourself enrolled with a new one.

Insurance Providers

Inform your home, car, health and any other insurance companies that you have changed your address. It is recommended that you review your policy information to make sure that it is up to date. This is important in ensuring that you are still covered and to ensure that you receive important messages from your insurers.

Other Service Providers

Do not forget to notify other service providers like subscription services, online shopping accounts, and other organisations that you interact with frequently. It is crucial to update your address to ensure that you still receive your subscriptions, orders, and other important information.

Is It Necessary to Inform HMRC When One Changes His or Her Address?

The HMRC building

Yes, it is important to notify HMRC when one changes his or her address. This will help you to update your tax details and receive important letters from HMRC regarding your taxes, benefits, and other financial matters that the HMRC deals with. To change your address, you can use your tax account or get in touch with HMRC in any way you prefer. Not informing HMRC can result in non-submission of tax returns, wrong tax computation, and even penalties and fines. It is important to update your address with HMRC to avoid any discrepancies in tax records and to receive important information and documents on time.

Is It Necessary to Notify the Council of the Change of Address?

Yes, it is very important to notify your local council of your change of address. This is important in order to update your council tax account and to ensure that you are billed correctly. Also, the commission requires your correct address for any local services that you may require, including waste disposal, voting, and other social services. It is crucial to inform the council about the change of address to avoid inconveniences and fulfil the citizens’ obligations. To change your address, you can either go to the council’s website and fill in the form or contact the council. Proper notification ensures that all the local services are not disrupted in any way.

What will the consequences Be if you do not report the change of address?

There are several problems that may arise from informing the concerned parties of your change of address. You may fail to receive crucial mail such as bills, legal documents, and notifications, which may lead to incurring penalties, fines, or even missing deadlines. Some of the financial institutions may send important information to your previous address, which may lead to identity theft. Failure to update your address with car-related organisations may lead to fines or problems with your car registration. Having the right address information with HMRC or the council can also result in correct tax records and possible fines. It is important to update your address with all the concerned parties to avoid any hitches and complications.

Final Thoughts

Relocation is not only about packing and moving your stuff from one place to another. Informing the necessary people and organisations about your new address will assist you in avoiding problems after the move. From your close relatives and friends to local government offices and financial institutions, updating your address guarantees that you will receive crucial information and that the records are correct. This aspect of your move, if well handled, will prevent mishaps, missed communication and possible penalties. To avoid any hassle and make your move to the new home as smooth as possible, you should inform everyone who needs to know.


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